Access Map


The company’s contact details:


3, rue Descartes Z.I.

Phone number : +33 (0)2 32 58 10 09 – Fax : +33 (0)2 32 60 04 37
GPS Coordinates : E 1°12.321’ – M 48°45.489’ – 195°,+28350+Saint-Lubin-des-Joncherets,+Centre,+France&p=map


Access map for the company
To the west of Paris, you can easily get to the Saint-Lubin-des-Joncherets Industrial Zone via RN12.
Coming from Evreux:
After the roundabout (intersection of RN154/RN12), turn left, following the sign to Dreux and then, after the next roundabout (with the Leclerc service station on the right) continue up to the first set of lights, take the first turn-off to the right, and carry on for 1 km.
Coming from Paris:
From Dreux, take the RN12, following the signs to Alençon-Evreux for 12 km and then, at the third set of lights, take the right-hand access road in order to cross the RN12 next and then take the road opposite you. Carry on for 1 km.
NB: Crossing the RN12 by making a left turn is prohibited.


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